Defining the role of energy efficiency in sustainable architecture

Undoubtedly, building a sustainable urban environment is crucial, one that adapts to the needs of human beings in terms of comfort, while not harming the environment. In this context, architecture, through energy efficiency, makes it possible to live comfortably while minimizing the consumption of energy and water resources, air and water pollution, the release of heat, and the emission of carbon dioxide and methane in the construction and design of buildings and houses.

The search for something new in architecture takes place in the context of global structural processes in culture. These processes are caused by the arrival of the information era, the development of a post-industrial society, and the natural climate change with all the variety of forms in modern architecture. The world’s climatic anomalies have become a universal challenge for humanity. Indeed, the 2011 United Nations (UN) Global Report: “Cities and Climate Change: Strategic Directions” states that “as urbanization continues, understanding the impacts of climate change on the urban environment will be increasingly important.”

The role of technologies in enabling sustainable architecture is broad. These technologies are called ecological and are defined as “economically and safe innovative technologies, which reduce the consumption of resources and the negative impact on the environment while maintaining their economic efficiency.” Environmental problems affect architecture at all levels. Households consume half of the energy used in the developed world, while transport consumes the other half. In architecture, professionals are not able to solve all the environmental issues in the world, however, they can design buildings so that their functionality demands low energy consumption and they can also influence transport schemes through urban planning.

The sustainable design and building industry include the construction and operation of buildings with minimal environmental impacts. The main goal of sustainable building is to reduce the level of consumption of resources (energy and materials) throughout the entire life cycle of a building. This means fewer resources to site selection, design, construction, operation, and demolition. Thus, the result will be reflected in buildings in which current and future generations live comfortably with regard to technological progress.

Sustainable architecture aims to minimize the negative impact on the environment of buildings and to foster efficiency and moderation in the use of materials, energy and space for development and the ecosystem as a whole. Whereas, energy efficiency refers to the efficient use of energy. For example, a process or installation is efficient when it consumes less energy to perform an activity.

Under a comprehensive analysis, energy efficiency allows reducing energy intensity, accustoming users to consume merely what is necessary, as well as promoting more efficient processes through the application of innovative technologies. Energy efficiency is based on the optimization of production processes and energy processes, the use of renewable energy sources and reduction of fossil fuel consumption, recycling, among others. From a more concrete example, people can contribute to energy efficiency by using daytime hours to perform tasks that require more lighting, turning off lights and electrical devices when they are not being used, replacing old and inefficient appliances with those that comply with labeling standards to ensure lower electricity consumption.

Therefore, to achieve better results, in terms of efficient use of energy in architecture, different points of view should be taken into account corresponding to the factors that intervene in this area, for example, the construction site, the availability of resources, and customer demands. A recurring example is trying to reach a suitable balance between costs, sustainability, durability, comfort, and even aesthetics for a product, system or material. For none of these factors is possible to determine a value with total certainty since they depend on more or less subjective appraisals. Nevertheless, the legislation related to architecture on energy efficiency is limited to establishing sectoral frameworks based on international agreements, but its true compliance is far from being the solution to the environmental problem. In other words, it is not enough to comply with the law, it is necessary to apply solutions, improve alternatives and socialize them. Promoting energy efficiency does not mean compromising comfort and quality of life by reducing the use of energy.

By analyzing building practices, energy efficiency and architecture provide a basis for distinguishing two main characteristics of sustainable architecture: sustainability and the use of high-quality technology. Consequently, a more concise definition of architecture can be proposed “sustainable architecture: high-tech architecture oriented to the environment”. In this way, it can be understood that comfort as a result of sustainable architecture includes the harmonization of social, economic, aesthetic, and environmental factors.

The energy technologies used in architecture are effective in protecting the environment and, at the same time, providing tangible economic benefits by reducing energy consumption and saving time in construction. In construction, sustainability implies the harmonious combination of modern architectural techniques, alternative energy sources, and energy-saving devices associated with the main function of the facility. In other words, energy efficiency in architecture plays an important role in the harmonization of social, economic, environmental, territorial, and spatial factors for the development of settlements apart from the optimal combination of architectural design techniques, allowing adaptability to natural, climatic and technogenic challenges and risks.

"Architecture is an extension of human beings due to its constant search of development, and on this opportunity, it seeks comfort through energy efficiency without compromising nature."

By Juliana Velastegui Orbe (Ambato, Ecuador)

Architecture Student

TECHO Ecuador Volunteer


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