1.         Ecological Balance and Ecosystem Dynamics


We should not rush, like the ill-fated augur, to proclaim the arrival of new dark times, nor join the exaltation triggered by technoscientific novelty. It is preferable to adopt a serene skepticism: to be skeptical, in its etymological sense, implies being critical observers. A skeptic – an active and reflective observer – will agree that, in ecological matters, there are three fundamental principles: (1) nature changes as much as it persists; (2) nature expresses diversity as much as harmony; and (3) the human perspective, influenced by cultural factors, often distorts the understanding of the conflict between natural processes (geological, ecological, and evolutionary) and human interventions. Thus, we might deduce that nature is a thermodynamic dynamism in which biological processes and aesthetic manifestations intertwine, developing not thanks to, but in spite of, human intervention.

Therefore, if the reader agrees with these premises, we can explore how human-driven alterations in the ecological structure act both as causes and effects of disruptions in ecosystem dynamics, imposing energy and aesthetic crises that characterize the Anthropocene era. Climate change is one of the most serious manifestations of this period, as it demonstrates how human activities are transforming the climate dynamics and endangering the planet’s ecological balance.

However, even the term “climate change” is beginning to fall short; strictly speaking, we are not facing a change, but rather multiple simultaneous transformations, or, in certain aspects, we are not facing a lack of natural changes. The Taoist concept of “wu wei” (non-intervention) suggests that true harmony is achieved when we allow things to follow their natural course, without imposing our will to change. This idea, developed by Lao-Tzu, would later be reinterpreted in Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s work The Leopard, in the words of Tancredi: “If we want everything to remain as it is, everything must change.” This statement reflects a paradoxical view: superficial changes that preserve the underlying reality intact, or, on the other hand, profound changes that do not alter anything on the surface.

The same could be said regarding human impact on the planet: so many transformations ultimately strip the world of authentic changes, or, in a mirror-like law of the same, so much lack of real transformation prevents things from continuing their course. One only needs to observe the fate of cities at risk of becoming commercial mausoleums, where noise and gases serve as the backdrop to a routine that threatens to freeze everything.

In contrast, natural ecosystems express a harmony and overflowing fullness that, however, is sustained by a rigorous becoming: vital cycles in constant interaction, such as symbiosis, parasitism, or mutualism; cryptic species that, although phenotypically identical, are genetically distinct; astonishing adaptive strategies like mimicry, cryptobiosis, or transdifferentiation. These seemingly complex concepts describe a reality that appears simple and harmonious, but in reality responds to vibrant and, at times, dramatic changes that sustain the pristine and comforting becoming of nature. When we exclaim serenely in some corner of the Western Andes of Ecuador or in the Guadarrama mountain range, “What beauty!” we tend to overlook that this beauty in the landscape is incredibly dynamic and forceful. Beneath it lies a relentless exchange of energy, which makes nature an incredibly stable and creative crucible.


2.         Human Impact and the Energy Crisis


The profound changes in biomes caused by the colonization of the Americas, the industrial revolutions of the 18th and 19th centuries, and their acceleration in the 20th century due to population growth, industrialization, and intensive fossil fuel use have triggered a geological, ecological, and evolutionary transformation that affects all species on the planet. According to Mora et al. (2011), there are approximately 8.7 million eukaryotic species on Earth, many of which face unprecedented risks. In the 21st century, these effects have critically intensified, with accelerated climate change, massive biodiversity loss, widespread pollution, and profound disruptions to natural cycles of water, carbon, and nitrogen. The 2019 IPBES Global Assessment Report projects that up to one million species could become extinct in the coming decades. The increasing reliance on technologies and high resource consumption impacts every corner of the planet, from oceans to terrestrial ecosystems. This century also presents an urgent need for sustainable solutions, such as renewable energy use and circular economy practices, to mitigate human impact and preserve environmental balance, thereby confronting the challenge of living more harmoniously with the natural world.

These spiritual and ecological problems and challenges—including specific phenomena such as eco-melancholy, a feeling of loss and sadness over environmental degradation (James, 2011), and solastalgia, which describes distress caused by environmental changes in one’s surroundings (Albrecht, 2005)—as well as energy crises, droughts, or floods, reflect thermodynamic ruptures within the ecosystem. Awareness of our dependence and fragility in the face of hydrological and energy cycles, for example, highlights our vulnerability to natural forces and the illusion of technocentric control.

Ultimately, it can be said that all challenges faced by humanity, past and present, are fundamentally energy challenges. The threads of history (and ecological protohistory) began to stir as soon as humans required energy sources to build the foundations of culture. It is reasonable to define humans as thermodynamically dissatisfied organisms, driven by insatiable hunger, relentless cold, and a violent need for protection.

It is through the manipulation of energy sources that species construct and modify their environment. In ecosystems, energy manifests in two forms: endosomatic, which corresponds to the internal energy sustaining the life and metabolism of organisms, and exosomatic, referring to the energy flowing and transforming in the external environment, resulting from interactions between living beings and their surroundings. This distinction is crucial, as endosomatic energy is limited to each organism’s vital functions, while exosomatic energy can expand and diversify according to the capacities and needs of each species. For humans, this exosomatic energy includes both natural and artificially produced sources, enabling humans to extend their influence over the environment to potentially limitless extents. In nature, these energy sources maintain a dynamic balance, allowing ecosystems to persist and evolve over geological and ecological timescales by channeling energy flows through complex interactions between organisms and their environments.

An illustrative example of this dynamic is the construction of dams. Some animals, such as beavers, alter watercourses by building dams with logs and mud, slowing the flow and creating ponds that promote aquatic biodiversity. Elephants dig wells in dry riverbeds to access groundwater, benefiting other species during droughts, while muskrats and mangrove crabs perform similar activities in wetlands, improving soil flow and oxygenation. These natural interventions, unlike human ones, consider the ecology and evolution of entire biological communities, integrating into the ecosystem's functioning and promoting its stability.

In contrast, human hydroelectric dams, such as the Three Gorges Dam in China, the Hoover Dam in the United States, and the Itaipú Dam between Brazil and Paraguay, are constructed for the exclusive benefit of a human minority. These structures disrupt river ecosystems by altering natural water flows, affecting fish migration, downstream temperatures, and sedimentation, and reducing biodiversity. Such massive projects cause widespread flooding, habitat destruction, and degradation of delta ecosystems, leading to species loss and disrupting natural water cycles with significant ecological and local community impacts.

A human dam, in thermodynamic terms, is an "eco-evolutionary monster" because it interrupts the cyclical, stable processes of natural cycles in favor of accumulating potential to produce electrical energy. This level of "thermodynamic monstrosity" increases further when these dams become inoperative due to reduced river flow from declining precipitation or changes in temperature and humidity—consequences of climate change.


3.         The Relationship Between Aesthetics, Ethics, and Sustainability


The disruptions caused by certain exosomatic energy-producing structures not only upset the energy balance but also create an aesthetic impact that distorts the essence of natural landscapes. This aesthetic deterioration becomes a sign of the loss of ecological functionality, revealing the profound connection between natural beauty and biological equilibrium. Furthermore, aesthetic impoverishment reflects the socio-economic degradation of human communities, as the aesthetic experience offered by a healthy, balanced environment contributes to the well-being and cultural identity of its inhabitants. Moreover, the aesthetic degradation of ecosystems is both a cause and a consequence of poverty. The loss of this harmony in the natural landscape is not merely a matter of perception but an indicator of disruptions in ecological and social relationships, emphasizing the importance of integrating the preservation of beauty as part of ecological and social ethics.

This set of ideas is fully aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). A balanced ecosystem that optimizes energy flow and regulates entropy (SDGs 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) is not only more efficient from a scientific perspective but also offers a more enriching aesthetic experience. This balance facilitates the elimination of poverty (SDGs 1, 2) and promotes health, well-being, and education (SDGs 3, 4) while contributing to reducing inequalities, fostering peace, justice, decent work, and partnerships for development (SDGs 5, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17).

Therefore, it is essential to include the beauty and emotional inspiration nature provides as an integral part of human development. Poverty, in its multidimensional form, is also manifested as ecological, sociocultural, aesthetic, and thermodynamic impoverishment.

For instance, light and atmospheric pollution diminish our ability to enjoy a starry sky or a clear horizon, while simultaneously causing harmful effects on the environment and human health. Light pollution disrupts the biological cycles of numerous nocturnal species, affecting biodiversity and disturbing the natural rhythms of ecosystems. This interference disorients migratory birds, insects, and mammals, negatively impacting food webs and ecological interactions. In humans, excessive artificial light interrupts circadian rhythms, potentially causing sleep disorders and mental health issues.

Similarly, atmospheric pollution has severe public health consequences, increasing the prevalence of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases and accelerating climate change. This phenomenon also affects ecological balance by acidifying soils and water bodies, reducing plant photosynthesis, and severely damaging marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Both types of pollution exacerbate social inequalities, as vulnerable communities are often more exposed to these harmful effects due to living in highly polluted areas and having limited resources to mitigate them.

The same applies to the aesthetic pollution of rivers, which not only affects the natural beauty of these water bodies but also disrupts aquatic ecosystems and the quality of life of human communities that depend on them. The accumulation of solid waste and industrial discharges harms numerous aquatic species' habitats and reduces the quality of water for consumption and agriculture. While hydropower is often considered a clean energy source since it does not emit greenhouse gases during operation, it is not entirely renewable. The construction of dams alters natural water flows, disrupts river ecosystems, impedes fish migration, and causes waste accumulation, indirectly contributing to pollution and affecting both the environment and local populations.

Other examples of infrastructure projects that transform ecosystems include the construction of roads and highways through natural areas, which fragments habitats and hinders animal species' movement, disrupting reproductive cycles and reducing biological diversity. Similarly, oil and gas pipelines not only pose risks of contaminating spills but also require clearing large areas of vegetation, degrading soil, and causing water imbalances by altering filtration and runoff routes.

In response to this situation, renewable energies such as third-generation photovoltaic solar systems emerge as key solutions for electrifying rural areas in countries like Peru, Mexico, and Bolivia. These systems reduce dependence on vulnerable sources and provide clean energy in regions affected by natural disasters (Eras-Almeida et al., 2019, p. 2). Energy diversification is crucial in countries like Ecuador, where climate change affects water availability, making traditional sources like hydropower less reliable (Eras-Almeida et al., 2021, p. 7). Furthermore, business models such as pay-as-you-go (PAYG) enable these projects to be sustainable by involving local communities in managing and maintaining the systems (Eras-Almeida et al., 2019, p. 9). This transition to sustainable energy sources not only addresses a technical need but also represents a step toward preserving the aesthetic and functional balance of ecosystems.


4.         Entropy, Complexity, and Regeneration in Ecosystems


Organisms need to absorb negative entropy to counteract the entropy they generate throughout their lives. This process ensures their survival and simultaneously nourishes the ecosystem, promoting symbiotic and phenological interactions that maintain the system’s energy balance. Symbiotic interactions, such as mutualism and parasitism, involve relationships between organisms that provide reciprocal benefits or effects for their coexistence. Phenological interactions, on the other hand, refer to the cycles and synchronizations in the development of organisms in response to seasonal and climatic factors, such as flowering or migration. Organisms not only extract negative entropy but also engage in creating new functional agreements that redistribute entropy, establishing an ecological order that sustains biological diversity and the resilience of ecosystems. One example is the symbiosis between mycorrhizae and plant roots: fungi optimize nutrient absorption for the plant, which in turn provides energy to the fungi. This exchange reduces the need for additional energy expenditure, improves soil structure, and optimizes resource use, redistributing entropy and strengthening the ecosystem's balance as a whole.

This dynamic balance, nurtured by a diversity of interactions, promotes the continuous regeneration of the environment. Ecosystems act as inherited non-genetic matrices, providing structures and environmental conditions that favor species without requiring genetic transmission. Through symbiotic relationships, such as mutualism between pollinators and plants, and stable nutrient cycles in soil and water, ecosystems create patterns that persist from generation to generation, allowing organisms to leverage these pre-existing conditions and optimize their energy. These interactions store negative entropy and facilitate the continuity of life and evolution, optimizing energy efficiency and ensuring ecosystem stability.

The concept of entropy and the construction of ecological niches reflect the interdependent complexity of ecological networks. Niche construction occurs when organisms modify their environment to make it more favorable for their survival and that of other species, creating structures that stabilize the ecosystem and generate a "storage" of negative entropy. Therefore, ecosystems are not sets of isolated species, but systems connected by dynamic interactions that, like in thermodynamics, balance energy and functionality to allow for evolution and persistence. Energy, understood as the capacity to do work or cause a change, circulates continuously in these systems, while exergy—the part of energy that can be harnessed to perform useful work—plays a fundamental role in these cycles. The flow of energy and exergy in these symbiotic networks, along with niche construction, helps maintain negative entropy, preventing thermal collapse or environmental structure degradation.

An example of thermodynamic collapse is savannization, a process in which degraded wetland ecosystems transform into savannas due to the loss of vegetation and moisture. Similarly, ocean acidification alters the chemical balance of marine habitats, and in rivers, pollution and reduced water flow threaten biodiversity and ecological functionality, affecting both ecosystems and human communities. These processes generate positive entropy, destabilizing ecological complexity and contributing to system collapse. When a species disappears or its habitat degrades, the niche construction activity that the species contributed to its community is also lost, depriving the environment of that transformative force that stabilizes and prevents degradation. For this reason, defaunation and deforestation are cornerstones of "ecosystem energy crises" and trigger global consequences, such as global temperature increases, glacial melting, droughts, or floods.

Nature operates as a regenerative system formed by aesthetic facts; its natural course becomes a visible expression of thermodynamic balance: a continuous process that reorganizes chaos and generates harmony through stable structures that evolve while building their environments, producing emergent properties that amplify the coexistence of organisms despite spatial and resource limitations (Toro-Rivadeneira, 2021, 2023). In this sense, aesthetics and ecology are deeply intertwined, as both represent the expression of order persistence amidst thermodynamic disorder. The loss of species or ecological cycles represents not only a loss of vitality but also a decrease in diversity and complexity that affects the perception and functionality of ecosystems.

This link between ecology, thermodynamics, and aesthetics reveals that beauty and functionality are inseparable elements of a regenerative process. The aesthetic experience that nature offers reflects the energetic and ecological interactions that sustain its balance. The adoption of renewable energy solutions thus becomes an ethical necessity, but also an aesthetic one, to preserve the visual and functional integrity of ecosystems. Energy sources such as solar, wind, and geothermal not only reduce the positive entropy generated by fossil fuels, but also harmoniously integrate into the planet’s natural cycles, respecting the thermodynamic dynamics that sustain life. By harnessing natural energy flows without degrading the environment, these clean energies embody the balance between functionality and aesthetics that characterizes ecological processes.

In this sense, the transition to renewable energies represents an extension of ecological balance and an ethical response to the environmental crisis, which jeopardizes both the planet's stability and the functional and aesthetic harmony of ecosystems essential for life on Earth.




Dancizo Toro-Rivadeneira is a biologist and philosopher of ecology. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). With master’s degrees in Evolutionary Biology, Conservation Biology, Epistemology, and Literary Studies, he has been a predoctoral researcher at UCM and the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC). He is currently a researcher at the International University of La Rioja (UNIR), with an excellence scholarship (FPI), focusing on ecoevolutionary poetics and ecosystem aesthetics. As a poet, he has published Litotelergia (2008) and Arribo y defaunación del fuego (2022). His work lies at the intersection of aesthetics, ecology, and the philosophy of science.


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